TM Kavadarci, North Macedonia

On April 9-10, 2021, a kick off meeting took place, within our project United through European traditional sports, a program co-financed by EACEA from the Erasmus + Sport program.

On the first day of the meeting the main tasks and implementation methods of the project were discussed, the next day being reserved for a webinar presenting 2 sports, ultimate frisbee and petanque (traditional sport in France) by our partner Association of National Sport Leaders Network Kavadarci (Northern Macedonia), but also an interactive dialogue related to the 2 sports.

Thus, the first steps in the knowledge and interpersonal relationship were marked - giving the participants the opportunity to get to know each other and share with each other the experience and expertise they provide in the new project.

Workshop - ,,Learn, Experiment, Enjoy Sport - Petanque” - 2 Aprilie 2021 in Vinica - Macedonia de Nord

Workshop - ,,Learn, Experiment, Enjoy Sport- Ultimate Frisbee” - 3 Aprilie 2021 in Skopje - Macedonia de Nord